Fortunately, fake tan became readily available in the 1920s allowing the body to achieve its tanned to perfection look year-round and it still holds its value in modern society. In the 1970s, sunbeds began to gain popularity for their ease of access but it is common knowledge that these can cause many issues to the skin.  With that, lots of people reverted back to fake tan which soon became available in spray form which proved more effective. However, are you taking the right steps to ensure your spray tan goes swimmingly? Here are our top tips for achieving the perfect sun-kissed look.

Safety First

As with any product you put on your skin, there may be a risk of it having a reaction and either burning you or leaving a rash. If this was to happen all over your body following a spray tan then it may be extremely painful. To avoid this happening, perform a patch test before going into your spray tan session. This is done by applying a small amount of the fake tan you’ll be using to your body using a cotton pad on the crease of the elbow or behind the ear. When left for 24 hours, you will be able to tell if your skin has had a reaction or if it is fine to go ahead using this spray tan kit.

Skin Preparation 

Get your skin ready for its spray tan 24 hours in advance by following these easy steps: Also read: Gut-Changing Fitness & Nutrition Trends

Final steps 

Finish getting ready to use your spray tan kit by removing all jewelry and tying your hair up so they don’t get in the way of the tan. Once you have finished your tanning session, be sure to wear baggy clothes until the tan has set. Follow all of these steps and you’re guaranteed a sun-kissed look that will have you feeling fabulous.

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