Read on to discover 6 fun and unique jobs that allow you to work with animals every day.
1. Animal Trainer
Average Salary: $31,000 One of the best job options for working with animals is to become an animal trainer. Animal trainers work to train dogs, horses, and other animals for security, obedience, or performance purposes. Many animal trainers also train dogs to assist people with disabilities.
2. Zoo Veterinarian
Average Salary: $78,000 If you love wild animals, then becoming a zoo veterinarian could be a great option for you. Working as a zoo veterinarian allows you to work with exotic animals that are kept in captivity. Many zoo veterinarians focus on specific species such as reptiles, mammals, or marine life.
3. Veterinary Assistant
Average Salary: $36,000 Veterinary assistants typically assist veterinarians with tasks such as cleaning and disinfecting cages, helping with examinations, and preparing the animals for surgery. If you don’t want to go through a lot of schooling, then a veterinary assistant is a great choice. To become a veterinary assistant, you typically only need a 2-year associate degree. Some programs, however, can be completed in less than a year.
4. Zoologist
Average Salary: $76,000 If you are less interested in working with animals and more interested in researching, then becoming a zoologist is a possible option for you. Zoologists study animal behaviors and characteristics in relation to their environment. They often work with zookeepers and wildlife biologists to learn how to properly care for animal populations both in captivity and in the wild.
5. Dog Walker
Average Salary: $36,000 If you want to take care of animals without schooling or medical knowledge, then consider becoming a dog walker. A dog walker is exactly as it sounds. You will pick dogs up from their owner’s houses and take them on walks throughout the day. Many people have dog walking jobs on the side for extra income as it is one of the lower-paying jobs for animal lovers.
6. Marine Biologist
Average Salary: $52,000 If furry friends aren’t your thing, then becoming a marine biologist could be a wonderful option for you. A marine biologist works to study animal and plant life in oceans and other bodies of water. Many marine biologists also study the impact of human behavior, climate change, and pollution on our oceans.
Consider a Job Where You Work With Animals Today
If you want to work with animals, then any one of these jobs could be a great opportunity for you. If you love animals, then you might as well turn it into a career. If you enjoyed this article, then feel free to check out the rest of our blog for more career content.
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