Though many people assume horseback riding is for only farmers, everyone can reap the benefits of enjoying and engaging in equestrian sports. Whether you’ve loved horses since you were a kid or you’re looking for a fun gym alternative, there are a ton of horseback riding benefits. Keep reading to inspire you to find a school to get you out on the trails. 

1. Muscle Strength

From lifting heavy saddles to hoisting yourself up on a tall horse, horseback riding can help you build your muscles. Though you’ll likely get a full-body burn, horse riding can help strengthen your arms and legs.  Because you need to hold the reigns of the horse in a specific way to guide your companion, your arms are going to get a workout! This tense position can help you stay strong.  Your legs will also get an incredible workout. As horses move, you’ll need to keep steady, which can replicate the same effects as squats. You’ll also need to keep your legs tense, helping to strengthen your glutes and inner thighs.

2. Ab-Burner

Not only will your limbs get a good workout, but riding horses is one of the most effective core workouts. As you need to hold your posture in a certain way, keeping your core tight and engaged is key to correct riding posture. This ensures you stay balanced atop your companion. Slouching or leaning can impact the way your horse responds to your commands, and thus, can make for an uncomfortable ride. Staying upright and engaging your abdomen are key components to a fun ride.

3. Improved Coordination

Since there are so many things you need to do while riding, this hobby can help improve your overall coordination.  From keeping your core engaged while applying the right amount of tension on the reigns to keeping your wits about you while riding, there are so many moving parts. This skill can help you in other aspects of your life as well.  After you begin riding, you’ll likely notice that you’re able to more efficiently and effectively use different parts of your body in your day-to-day life, as well as other hobbies. 

4. Better Balance

Because you’ll need to stay upright atop a moving animal, your ability to balance is crucial to safe riding. The last thing you want is to fall from your saddle! Not only is it important to keep your core engaged for posture, but that abdominal strength will also help keep you centered in your saddle. Horseback riding lessons can help teach you tips and tricks to balancing.  Similarly, if you’re off balance, it can affect the balance of your horse. This subsequently can make your ride much less enjoyable, as you’ll be all over the place.

5. Becoming Responsible

Among the numerous physical health benefits, horseback riding has an array of mental advantages as well. One of the most prominent benefits is the responsibility that many people develop when caring for a horse. While this mainly applies to younger riders, adults can also benefit from the responsibility that caring for and riding horses can teach. Between feeding, hygiene, and exercise, your horse relies on you for their needs. Whether you find horseback riding services or you’re looking for horses for sale, riding and caring for horses is not for the faint of heart. You’ll need to develop a trustworthy bond with your horse.

6. Relaxation

Though horseback riding is a fun and challenging workout, many people also enjoy the stress reduction that horseback riding offers. Many people don’t get to spend much time outside between work, family, and other responsibilities. Spending time around animals is proven to improve mental health and increase happiness. This can help you feel at ease and stress-free! Riding horses combines staying healthy with getting fresh air, all the while enjoying the beautiful scenery that horseback trail riding offers. Similarly, spending time alone with your horse can be great for mental health.

7. Confidence Booster

As many riders will gain responsibility and empathy while caring for a horse, this can help improve confidence. Horses can pick up on your energy, and being confident and calm in the saddle can help your horse relax. Since you are in charge of your horse, you’ll learn to trust your instincts and intuition instead of second-guessing yourself.  Similarly, as you grow as a rider, you will feel a sense of accomplishment when you meet new goals or milestones. This can help build self-esteem as you’ll feel proud of your achievements. 

8. Leisure

While many people enjoy the workout or mental health benefits that horseback riding lessons can offer, it’s also just a fun hobby! Horseback riding doesn’t need to be an intense workout; you can ride recreationally without any pressure. Horseback riding offers the same enjoyment that other hobbies like sports, music, or art can offer. From spending time with your horse to enjoying the wind in your hair, riding horses is just plain enjoyable.

Enjoy These Impressive Horseback Riding Benefits

Though many people thinking horseback riding is an easy hobby due to the fact the rider is sitting for the duration of the activity, this is a tough activity!  Both mentally and physically challenging, riding horses is something that requires commitment. However, horseback riding is one of the most rewarding and beneficial activities for those of all ages.  If you found this guide on horseback riding benefits helpful, be sure to visit the rest of our website for more important health and lifestyle content.

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