If you are an Aries, a career horoscope could help you to understand your strengths, your weaknesses, your ambitions and your interests. It can help you to decide exactly what you want to do with your career and put you on the right track.

What Are the Key Traits of an Aries?

As a fire sign (along with Leo and Sagittarius), people born under Aries like to be number one. They are confident, courageous, energetic and, when faced with competition, will always fight for first place. Their competitive nature can lead to conflict at times. Aries make good friends and are respectful of people’s inherent differences. They are warm and generous, and will enjoy earning gratitude by helping others. They are good communicators and find it easy to form connections. They are intolerant of dishonesty and will call this out in others. They are known to act from their head rather than their heart, but can also be too bold and may act without thinking. They are open and honest but can be extremely outspoken, and may not think before they speak.

What Is an Aries Like at Work?

When it comes to the workplace, Aries’ personalities are much valued and highly sought after. They are pioneers – always willing to try something new and find new ways of working. They are born leaders, bold and extremely ambitious. They like to dive headfirst into whatever challenge may come their way. Known to be extremely motivated, Aries are noted for their cheery nature and determination. They have great organizational skills and can juggle heavy workloads with ease. They are known for their ability to get things done and work extremely well in a team. As a result, Aries are highly respected by their peers and by management. Aries are competitive and tend to be hot-tempered, but that passion and drive for perfection is what sets them apart and helps them to achieve their goals. To combat this competitiveness (which could be perceived as aggression), an Aries needs to be supported by the right people. They need to feel that they can flourish in their environment and that they are being listened to by others.

10 Best Career Matches for an Aries

Now we know what an Aries candidate looks like in the workplace, it’s time to think about the types of jobs that an Aries may be suited to. This list isn’t exhaustive; it considers the different personality traits which are commonly associated with those born under Aries.

1. Sales Manager

A career in sales provides an opportunity for an Aries to find their own way of working. They will have the opportunity to show leadership skills and have the passion and drive to do what it takes to close the deal. The adrenaline that they feel when closing a sale may be enough to keep them motivated, and continued success will give them the chance to move up the career ladder to the very top. Aries are great at starting their own businesses. They can think of the bigger picture and are happy to delegate smaller tasks elsewhere. They know how to inspire people to think creatively and are happy to lead the way, encouraging others to follow.

3. Marketing Manager

In a similar way to entrepreneurs, Aries make successful marketing personnel because of their creativity and ability to sell to people. It’s the perfect mix of sales and entrepreneurship – an opportunity to take charge and use leadership skills, while being able to work closely with others as part of a team. A benefit of working in marketing is that there are numerous paths to take which could lead to success. Graphic design, PR consultant, social media – all are ways to use creativity and sales know-how to help their employer stand out from the crowd.

4. Sports Star

When it comes to competition, no one is more competitive than an Aries. That should work to their favor if they consider a career within the sports sector. Aries work well alone, as well as making fantastic teammates, so individual or team sports could be a viable option. Of course, natural talent is a requirement of the job. But having passion, drive, energy and commitment are equally important – and these are traits that an Aries has in abundance.

5. Tour Guide

Typically, an Aries does not like to be tied to a desk all day long. They like to be able to spread their wings and take control of their daily routine. Being a tour guide may appeal to some Aries – they can be in charge of a group of people, take control over the tour itself and inspire others to want to learn more. Aries love interacting with groups of people; they love being able to showcase their knowledge and passion to others.

6. Fashion Stylist

This is an ideal choice for the particularly creative members of the Aries community. It is a profession where they can easily take charge and create their own company, but still work in collaboration with others. As a fashion stylist, Aries can use their bold personality and their ‘never say no’ attitude to the extreme. They have a chance to demonstrate their organizational skills while remaining creative and independent.

7. Firefighters

As a fire sign, it’s no coincidence that Aries are brave and happy to fight fire with fire. Their fearless nature means that they are willing to tackle any challenge and they can make difficult decisions quickly and rationally. Aries aren’t ruled by their emotions and this detachment makes them a fantastic asset to the fire service.

8. Emergency First Aid Responder

Aries is great on the frontline when it comes to medical care. That’s why they are a good choice for roles such as paramedics, nurses, veterinarians or hospice workers. Aries tend to respond quickly – they are known for being great in an emergency, but they also have a caring and empathetic nature, helping to calm others and remain in control whatever the situation. Aries tend to have high energy levels, so jobs in high-pressured environments, which may consist of long shift work (such as hospitals), could be a good choice.

9. Doctor/Surgeon

As born leaders, there’s nothing to stop an Aries from aiming for the very top roles in medicine, such as a surgeon. Aries love facing the biggest challenges. They thrive on achieving the near-impossible and have the confidence needed for this high-pressure job. Medicine is a highly competitive field, with surgery even more so – but an Aries’ competitive nature means that they feel confident in their chances of success.

10. Police Officer

Aries make fantastic police officers because they are attracted to roles which suit their ideas of self-worth and importance. Their natural-born leadership and desire to see things through means that they can inspire others, while having the work ethic and stamina to manage the long hours. An Aries likes to take charge, and when it comes to law enforcement, they are keen to show their bold personality and sense of duty.

Final Thoughts

With astrology, we know that some people are born believers and others are less convinced. You may think that your personality is different from the traits mentioned – but if you have any of the personality traits listed, you may want to consider these careers. Finding the right career for you isn’t a science. There’s no hard formula that should be followed; it’s about using your gut instinct to find a role that will continually interest and excite you. Choosing to follow a career horoscope isn’t guaranteed to find you the right job role, but it can be an interesting starting place to help you think differently. Aries career horoscopes will put a new spin on your job hunt and can be used in conjunction with other resources such as aptitude tests, personal knowledge, scholastic ability, and your passion and interests.