The company headquarters, based in Texas, boasts more than 70,000 employees. As well as being one of the leading energy providers, ExxonMobil prides itself on its innovative practices. It is one of the largest international public trading companies, and markets itself under these four brands:

Esso Exxon Mobil ExxonMobil Chemical

With the brand strategically operating on such a global scale, there is an emphasis on developing technologies that can sustain the fueling of international economies. While doing so, ExxonMobil has also emphasized its need to develop ethical solutions that will help reduce its carbon emissions. At this very moment, ExxonMobil is working on various projects, including a carbon-capture hub based in Houston. Such technologies will aid the corporation in moving towards its long-term sustainable development goals. Some of the initial steps have already been taken. In 2020, the corporation exceeded its goals of a 15% reduction in methane emissions and a 25% reduction in flaring. Outside of reducing emissions, ExxonMobil has also put its hand towards the development of advanced biofuels, management of plastic waste and research of advanced chemical products that are more adaptable for the modern world. The guiding principles of ExxonMobil have certainly developed in its long history since its inception as the Standard Oil Company in 1870. Today, the company takes pride in constructing policies that cater towards long-term stability. As with all exporters of biofuels and energy resources, there is still a long way to go before reaching the goal of carbon neutral emissions. However, ExxonMobil proves to be one of the most advanced and proactive organizations.

Career Paths

At ExxonMobil, there is a distinct emphasis on careers and lifelong opportunities. These careers are not confined to the US either, and there are opportunities to work as far afield as Japan, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. As with all international corporations, there are opportunities specifically designed for those with expertise in certain fields. For example, if you are an engineering graduate, there are internship programs in Singapore, Hungary and Brazil. ExxonMobil also provides career pathways for US veterans. Some of these include a career as a:

Maintenance mechanic Laboratory technician Environmental engineer Public and government affairs advisor

Like the pathways designed for specialized personnel, the opportunities offered to veterans are located across the globe.


The benefits of working at ExxonMobil are aligned with the corporation’s international goals and aspirations. As CEO Darren W. Woods states, ‘The program helps align the interests of employees with the goals of the Company, our focus on continuous improvement and our commitment to win in the marketplace’. With this in mind, you must be aware that your own career progression within ExxonMobil will also be a progression of ExxonMobil’s international ethos. It is also important to understand the personal benefits of developing a career at ExxonMobil. The company is built upon what it calls a ‘culture of health’, and up to 85% of its employees are covered by a program that focuses on building a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of the employee’s life. The corporation also prioritizes its employees’ work-life balance. It also offers integrated financial planning so its employees have the stability to either build a family or pursue further education that will give them greater working opportunities within the company. There is a clear recognition of how important the employees are for the development of ExxonMobil’s long-term plans. If you are searching for a corporation that values your input and respects your personal goals, then ExxonMobil may be the one for you. It is also important to note that, because of ExxonMobil’s international reach, there are opportunities available no matter what your background may be. The company works with local communities across the world and bases its employment practices on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Applications and Pre-Employment Tests

To work towards a career at ExxonMobil, it is essential to consider how the corporation hires potential candidates. As discussed above, there is a broad range of careers spanning the world and across various different disciplines. It is important for you to measure what your best attributes are before choosing a career.

Create a Strong Resume

The best way to measure what your best attributes are is to build a resume that gives you the chance to exercise your own strengths and gives ExxonMobil an opportunity to review your skills. We have well-researched articles on resume advice, which will give you the best idea of how to build a strong portfolio. At ExxonMobil, you are encouraged to include all relevant experience, education and skills that would determine success. In addition to this, the corporation stresses that you state how your skills would be best used to the industry. ExxonMobil also wants you to emphasize what you could bring to the corporation. If you have ideas and fresh and innovative methodologies that could contribute to the long-term principles of ExxonMobil, they want to hear them. Once you have designed and submitted a strong resume, you will have to wait between two and eight weeks for a response.

Practice Your Interviewing Skills

In the meantime, it is best for you to practice your interviewing skills, as the next steps of the application process will entail an interview. The interviews that follow the aptitude assessments – discussed below – will give you the opportunity to meet a recruitment team. Whichever interview you are involved with, it is important to keep in mind the long-term projects of ExxonMobil, how your skill set will enrich these principles and how you are suited for the specific role you are applying for. It is very likely that you will have more than one interview. This may make you nervous about the pressures of the application process, but you must contemplate ExxonMobil’s ethos. The interviews are not designed to punish you, but, rather, they are platforms provided by ExxonMobil’s recruitment team. You must frame the interviews as opportunities to showcase yourself. Remember that ExxonMobil is interested in discussing what you can bring to the team. If you have ideas that are in tune with the company’s long-term strategies to achieve carbon neutrality, then be confident in presenting them. Depending on the career path you have opted to apply for, ExxonMobil wants you to outline the way in which you work and research. Remember, you are becoming a part of a long-term vision at ExxonMobil.

How to Pass Your ExxonMobil Aptitude Tests

During the application process, you will take a selection of aptitude tests. These tests, like the interviews, are designed to measure the strengths of potential team members. There are various tests that ExxonMobil uses to identify the right candidates, and here are some of the main assessments:

Language, verbal and communication tests Mechanical, analytical and technical tests Calculation tests Deductive reasoning tests Group exercises and presentations Personality examinations

Rather than outline what each test examines and whether it is taken as part of a team or as an individual, it is more important to understand why these tests are conducted. Keeping this in mind can help you prepare for each course of action. Additionally, here at WikiJob we have designed several aptitude tests that mirror the rigorous employment practices found at corporations like ExxonMobil. We strongly recommend that you revise these to give yourself an idea of what awaits in your assessments. Whether you do this alone or in front of a recruitment team, it is essential to think about how co-operative you are and how flexible your ideas are. If you show an unwillingness to discuss your designs in a conscientious way, you may come across as unprepared or even aloof. Enthusiasm and openness when talking about potential plans will serve you well. It is also important to consider how your ideas can be built upon in these aptitude tests. Rather than present your ideas as the only possible answers, think of them as workable solutions that are reliant upon broader input. Doing so will open your ideas to your ExxonMobil colleagues and those involved in group exercises.

Logic-Based Aptitude Tests

Logic-based aptitude tests are different to the communicative exercises. They are often done alone and under time constraints. They are often known as critical reasoning tests and will test your ability to interpret patterns, sequences and relationships between sets of data. The data is often presented as a set of diagrams that all have a distinctive trait. For instance, you may be given a collection of boxes with one section of the box missing in each of the examples given. From this data, you will be asked to predict what section will be missing in the next box. The key to succeeding in these types of aptitude tests is to distinguish the patterns early. You may also be presented with verbal or numerical logic-based aptitude tests. The only difference in these types of tests is the examples themselves. The principle is still the same, and you will be asked to decipher a distinct pattern.

Mathematical, Analytical and Reasoning Tests

In mathematical aptitude tests, you will be presented with numerical-based calculations. You will be challenged in the areas of arithmetic, algebra and sequencing problems. Calculators are often permitted in these tests as you will be asked to answer complex numerical problems. It is essential that you show your working methods if you are given space to do so. The equations and statistics that you will be asked to analyse will most likely be similar to the data you will be working with at ExxonMobil. For example, you may be asked to calculate a production percentage from data concerning oil consumption. To prepare for the mathematical, analytical and reasoning tests, it is imperative that you revise the types of questions that will appear. Doing so will help you avoid the element of surprise – something not to be desired in assessments. To revise for these tests, there are many online tests you can take beforehand. Becoming familiar with the types of questions that may appear will ease any apprehension. As trite as it may seem, you must take your time with these types of assessments. You must frame these examinations as if you are already an employee at ExxonMobil. Any mistakes or rushed calculations could have consequences. What is also essential is your frame of mind. Ensure that you are well rested, hydrated and in the most relaxed state possible. Any meditation practices that ease your worries will be worth putting into practice prior to the examinations.


The presentation and personality tests are designed to examine how you project your ideas. In contrast to the verbal exercises in groups, the presentation will give you the opportunity to organise your thoughts. The presentation will be your interpretation from data or questions given to you beforehand. The aim of the presentation test is to get you to show how you arrived at certain conclusions. You must be prepared to show your research methods in the presentation. Your answers and conclusions are only as important as the methods that you used to arrive at them. Unlike an interview, the presentation is not a back-and-forth conversation. If there are questions about your methods and analysis, then they will be asked when you have finished.

Personality Test

The personality test is a measure of what you are best suited to. You may prefer working on your own or may be better suited to a more busy environment. Personality tests often come in the form of a set of subjective questions. You will be asked to choose from a set of answers what you deem to be the best response. The questions will be about how you engage with colleagues, potentially challenging situations and disagreeable conflicts. How you answer these is entirely your decision. Personality examinations explore your comforts, discomforts and the way in which you engage with your surroundings. There is not a right answer or response, and there are many different types of personality tests. The best way to prepare for these types of examinations is to be honest. Be confident in your skill set and do not attempt to portray something you are not comfortable with. ExxonMobil wants to employ the best you, not your best imitation. If you are unsure of how you interact with colleagues in the workplace and how you best present your ideas, there are many simulations that you can take to find this out. These simulations will also familiarise you with the types of questions you will be asked.

Final Thoughts

ExxonMobil proves to be one of the most innovative corporations in the gas and oil industry. If you are looking for a career that potentially contributes to these important environmental innovations, then ExxonMobil may be for you. Remember that there are numerous benefits to obtaining a career at ExxonMobil. However, it is not easily gained, and you must be willing to be methodical in your application. The corporation’s assessments will identify your strengths and weaknesses. Joining ExxonMobil will be an achievement in itself, and it could be the next step in your future career.