1. What Goes up Has to Come Down

Be it the Economy of China or the wave of tsunami; the reign of Princely states of India or the reparations that Britain owes to India. Whatever that rises up shall see a downfall eventually. Don’t be too egoistic in feeding the hunger of your ambition that the pillars need to rise alone and as a result would always shake & collapse! Be accessible for the society, always.

2. Success Is Good, but Is a Daring Addiction

Success is addictive, but not always in a good direction. Once you achieve some milestone in your journey, you crave for more and more in order to get the feeling back again! Hang on. This addiction is a bit dangerous which takes you at times under the influence of what is formally known as – ethically wrong thing. Beware!

3. Be Willing to Be a Student Forever

You know why smart people fail, if God and the Guru are standing together, who does the student salute first? According to Indian culture, answer is the Teacher. Because, without his help & directional light the student could not have met God. Your graph starts deteriorating the very next moment when you feel you know everything and that the Guru or the Teacher is just an entity/ Learning happens every day and everywhere. Be a good student champ, forever.

4. Appreciate the Appreciation

Behind every battle that Akbar or Genghis Khan won, there has been a colossal and furious army working altogether to accomplish this mutual goal vis-à-vis Victory! My very limited experience and knowledge says that probably in most of the cases, there is somebody just as responsible for your success as you are! So guess what should you do? Give people more than they deserve. Share the conquest. Recognize even a coin donated for your cause. Don’t forget ever, that Brutus was an honorable man!

5. I Knew You Would Come…

There were two buddies who went through school and college and even joined the army together. War broke out and they were fighting in the same unit. One night they were ambushed. Bullets were flying all over and out of the darkness came a voice, “Joey, help me!” Joey immediately recognized the voice of his childhood buddy, Harry. He asked the captain if he could go. The captain said, “No, I can’t let you go. I am already short-handed and I cannot afford to lose one more person. Besides, the way Harry sounds he is not going to make it.” Joey kept quiet. Again the voice came, “Joey, please come and help me!” Again and again the voice came. Joey couldn’t contain himself any longer and told the captain, “This is my buddy for Life. I have to go and help”. The captain reluctantly let him go. Joey crawled through the darkness and dragged Harry back into the trench. They found that Harry was dead. Now the captain got angry and shouted that you could have been killed too and that you made a mistake. Joey replied: Captain, I did the right thing. When I reached Harry he was still alive and his last words were, ‘Joey I knew you would come!’ Good relationships are hard to find and once developed should be nurtured. True friendship is your greatest asset… Greatest. Don’t forget to know about 7 Ways to Make Your Friendship Work like a Charm. Featured image by History Disclosure

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How to Stop Your Ambition from Harming You   Inspirational Short Story  - 13How to Stop Your Ambition from Harming You   Inspirational Short Story  - 29How to Stop Your Ambition from Harming You   Inspirational Short Story  - 12How to Stop Your Ambition from Harming You   Inspirational Short Story  - 6How to Stop Your Ambition from Harming You   Inspirational Short Story  - 2