Consequently, it has implemented a thorough recruitment process to ensure that it appoints only the most highly skilled and committed individuals.

Application Process

The application process is as follows:

Online registration form Numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning and inductive reasoning tests Video interview Assessment centre

The M&G application process is designed to ensure that you have the necessary skills and expertise to make a significant contribution to the business area you are applying to. Approach each element of the recruitment process with drive and determination, making sure that you effectively convey your motivation and enthusiasm for joining M&G.

Registration Form

Unlike many other recruiters, M&G does not have an online application form. If you are looking to apply for a vacancy or graduate programme you will be required to complete a simple registration form on the company website, which takes around five minutes. Simply enter a few personal details and upload a copy of an up-to-date CV. If you are applying to a graduate scheme you are only permitted to submit your application once. You should choose the business area wisely, ensuring that it suits your skills and interests. If, however, you change your mind part way through the process and wish to pursue another programme, you can certainly transfer your application.

Numerical, Verbal and Inductive Reasoning Tests

After you have completed the registration process for M&G, and provided that you meet all of the selection criteria, you will be asked to complete a series of online tests in numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning. Each of these tests is 45 minutes in duration and they can be taken in one sitting. If you prefer, the tests can be completed separately depending on your requirements. Don’t be tempted to complete all of the tests one after the other simply to get them over with; approach them in whatever way you feel most comfortable with.

Video Interview

Until recently M&G conducted telephone interviews, but these have been replaced with video interviews using HireVue digital technology. If you are invited to a video interview, you will be sent a URL to access in-depth information about the interview, with detailed instructions for you to follow. You will be taken through a series of sound, video and technology compatibility tests to prevent any technical glitches on the day. During the actual interview the questions are automated, and will be displayed on your computer screen and played in audio format. The interview will be carried out under quite strict time limits, with 30 seconds allocated to read the question, followed by 3 minutes to provide your answer. If you fail to answer within the allotted timeframe, the interview will move on to the next question. Pauses are not provided between the questions and your answers, so you’ll have to think quickly. It’s advisable to know your CV inside out. A small amount of extra time is provided at the end of the interview where you can speak about achievements, skills or expertise to enhance what you have already said. Make sure not to repeat any points you have already raised, and try to think of something you can say which will set you apart from the other candidates.

Recommendations for the Video Interview

Find a room that is quiet and free from any possible disruptions. Check that the video is compatible with the device that you are using. It is recommended that you use a laptop or PC rather than a mobile device or tablet. Prepare for the interview as if you were attending a face-to-face interview, and make sure you are familiar with M&G and the requirements of the role or programme you are applying for. Answer the questions clearly and concisely, drawing on examples from your CV to reinforce your points.

Assessment Centre

Attendance at the M&G assessment centre is the final stage in the recruitment process. Over the course of the day you will be asked to participate in a number of different activities, including presentations, group activities and interviews, all of which will assess different competencies. Additionally it will be your opportunity to meet some of the staff who work at M&G, and learn more about their culture, vision and values. The activities that you will be asked to participate in over the course of the day will be a final opportunity for you to demonstrate what you can bring to the company. Assessment days are the most intense and tiring element of the recruitment process so it is important that you prepare as thoroughly as you can. The M&G assessment centre aims to review your skills within the workplace by setting a number of tasks very similar in nature to those that you would be expected to carry out as part of a role in investment banking. The assessment day will typically be broken down as follows:

Interview Aptitude tests Role playing and case study exercises Report writing exercise Group exercise Presentation


Candidates will be expected to participate in an interview with two professionals from the area in which they have applied to work, such as a banker or a manager. They may ask you the same or similar questions to those you were asked during your video interview. They want to see consistency in your answers, and to assess how well you portray your skills. Make sure that the answers you provide are relevant to the questions asked, and try to relate them to your motivation for joining M&G.

Aptitude Tests

Following on from your final interview you will be asked to complete a further round of verbal and numerical reasoning tests. These may be the same as those you have already completed. Many candidates often question why this is necessary, but it has been known for applicants to cheat in online assessments, so taking similar tests is a way of vetting your original results.

Role Playing and Case Study Exercises

Role playing and case study exercises at M&G will aim to evaluate how well you interact with clients, how strong your communication skills are, and your capacity to absorb and synthesise copious amounts of information, all within a business environment. Candidates are usually presented with a scenario and asked to develop a suitable solution such as where to make budget cuts, or to select the most viable avenue for business growth.

Report Writing Exercise

Another important skill that M&G recruiters look for is the ability to draft reports. Within any finance based role, such as associate or analyst, you will be preparing a number of memos, presentations and email communications, so you need to be able to demonstrate strong written communication skills. The report writing exercise can last anywhere from 30 minutes through to an hour and a half, with candidates asked to prepare anything from a report or a memo through to a straightforward email.

Group Exercise

Group exercises are a method for the recruiters to see how well you collaborate. Candidates are placed into groups of 5 and given a certain amount of time to read through an information package which presents a scenario such as a decision to acquire a company. You will be asked to find a solution as a group. Topics can include raising capital, growing the business, or formulating an acquisition strategy.


The presentation is often the final step of the assessment day. Recruiters will provide you with a scenario or case study and a set amount of time to prepare a response. Topics in the past have related to issues such as acquiring a new company or developing a business growth strategy. Exploring opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses will enable you to develop a strong foundation on which to build your presentation.