List of Tea to have in Quarantine

Camomile Tea

Camomile tea is made from flowers of the chamomile plant and is rich in flavonoids. It has a therapeutic effect and is suited to people who have digestive system disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome due to its antispasmodic properties. Also,that helps manage menstrual cramps, meaning that women can use it as a relaxant during periods. It has anti-aging properties as it contains free radicals that repair cells and stimulate tissue regeneration. When mixed with ginger tea, it can help reduce nausea and restore calmness and relaxation. You can take it before going to bed because it induces sleep by binding to benzodiazepine receptors. It is also good for combating cold and flu either by inhaling the steam or drinking it to manage nasal congestion. Some nutritionists also recommend Camomile loose tea for the management of diabetes.

Mango Tea Bags

Mango tea bags are made of dried mango chips spiced up with natural spices to give them a sweet flavor. You can try its elegant fragrant by making a hot brew during the cold months or taking cold iced tea in the summer. Even if you don’t have appetite for tea, the large juicy chunks of pineapples and mangoes will stimulate your taste buds with a fruity smell. Since it is free of caffeine, it is a great way of getting hydrated while you relax in the garden.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is one type buy loose tea most popular tea brands in the UK due to its distinctive sweet flavor. It also boosts the immune system as well as burn calories. Anecdotal evidence indicates that people who take tea regularly have fewer weight problems than those who consume other beverages. This effect is partly attributable to the fact that unlike soft drinks, tea does not contain calories. Meanwhile, some Oolong consumers buy loose tea for use in weight management.

Turkish Apple Tea

As you might have guessed, Turkish Apple tea has its roots in Turkey and is known for its distinct green apple taste. It is made by adding natural apple flavor to a black tea extract. It is a staple in Turkey where consumers love its unique blend of pineapple and apple flavors. Turkish apple tea does not contain caffeine, meaning that it is a fitting choice for consumers who do not take decaffeinated tea. It is a delicious drink that you can take cold or hot, depending on the weather conditions and personal preferences.

Green Tea

Green tea is the most potent form of tea because it is made from freshly grounded tea leaves. It has a high fluoride content, which prevents tooth decay while its calcium content strengthens bones. Green tea contains polyphenols called catechins that combats inflammation and combat cancerous tumors. However, scientists do not understand its efficacy or the mechanisms through which it interacts with cancer cells. Other studies indicate that people can reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease by taking a few cups of green tea every day. Green tea also improves the cognitive function of elderly adults and is recommended as a way of reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. If possible, buy green tea in the form of loose tea because it has a stronger flavor than tea bags online.

Black Tea

Black tea is the most common form of tea bags online. Most people love it for the strong flavor, but it is also a rich source of antioxidants. Studies indicate that it dilates arteries enhancing blood circulation and preventing blood clots. Therefore, taking tea is not only refreshing but is also a desirable habit that prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea is made from the dry extracts of the hibiscus flower. It has a distinctive crimson color and a sweet, tart flavor. It falls under the category of herbal teas because it is not a product of the tea plant known as Camellia sinensis. Traditionally, Africans used hibiscus tea to manage fever and sore throat, whereas people in the Middle East used it for hypertension. More recent studies have indicated that it is a suitable beverage for people who are overweight. Hibiscus tea does not contain caffeine or calories, making it ideal for the entire family when served hot or cold.

Lapsang Souchong Tea

Lapsang souchong tea or smoked tea, is a type of black tea that is native to China. It is distinctive from other forms of black tea in that it is prepared by smoking tea leaves over piles of pine wood. This treatment gives it its unique pine flavor. Some Chinese historians claim that it is the oldest form of black tea in the world. In China, it is a regional flavor sourced from the Wuyi region of Fujian Province, but most of the loose tea available on the global market is made in industrial settings. Since Lapsang souchong is made from the lower leaves of the tea plant. It has fewer flavonoids than other teas, but its distinct aroma makes up for the difference. Experts claim that it smells of pine resin, smoked paprika with hints of peated whisky and dried longan. You can try the tea bags offer for Lapsang souchong to experience its unique flavor.

Kenya Tea

Kenya tea is a form of black tea that is famous for its strong flavor and rich brown color. Tea connoisseurs love it for the authentic tropical character and aroma. You can find Kenya tea on a tea bags online shop in its pure form or blended with other varieties. Its robust flavor remains strong even when you add milk so you can prepare it as a warm drink for the cold weather. Related; Useful Gifts for Coffee Lovers

Where to buy tea bags online

It can be hard shopping for all the varieties of loose leaf tea described above at retail stores. However, there is a tea bags online shop where you can order these and many other types of loose tea. All you need to do is visit the site and scroll through the tea bags offer to find the variety you want. Trying out each tea bags offer on the site may be the stimulating distraction you need to get through the quarantine.

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