The question arises: does handwriting still matter? Some people believe that it will be fully replaced by keyboarding in the near future. Who needs all this paperwork if there are so many digitalized information carriers? However, it is worth not making hasty conclusions. Although tech development is very important, handwriting brings many benefits and builds useful neural connections that are difficult to create in other ways. Experts from Pro Papers have analyzed the main reasons to continue using a pen and paper as effective learning instruments.

Benefits of Handwriting: Why Writing is Most Important Than Typing?

Boosting Academic Performance

Researchers have analyzed students’ performance and concluded that those who had better handwriting skills surpassed their tech-savvy peers. This may be explained by the fact that young people often get distracted when doing homework on computers. Video games and notifications from social networks prevent them from concentrating on course materials.

Improving Memory

Most people have experienced this advantage firsthand. A pen and paper stimulate more profound information understanding and absorbing. The thing is that a digital text may be easily copied and pasted or deleted from a Word file. Many operations are automatized and do not require user’s efforts. But if a person writes something by hand, one tries to avoid mistakes and bypass irrelevant information. Otherwise, it will be necessary to spend time rewriting the whole paper. Therefore, students take notes more attentively, approach lecture material selectively and write down only meaningful thoughts. As a result, important facts are imprinted in their memory. In addition, young people try to write neatly and develop respect for their educational responsibilities.

Handwriting is More Emotional

What would you like to see when receiving postcards from beloved ones: a handwritten or typed text? Of course, longhand notes bring more positive emotions, let us feel addresser’s character, cannot be compared with substitutes bought in souvenir shops. By honing handwriting skills, young people may learn to make valuable and special gifts, please their parents and friends. It is true that a person’s character may be scanned by reading one’s notes. Slant, letter size, line spacing – all this points at certain traits. When typing Word documents, most people choose standard templates, so it is more challenging to understand what is in their mind. Also, each good teacher knows that encouraging words on the top of a student’s essay may motivate one to develop a writing talent better than the highest mark.

Writing is a Part of Our Daily Routine

Even though many processes were digitalized, there is still much information which may be transmitted in a traditional way, many everyday situations when handwriting is more appropriate than typing. People take notes at meetings, remind themselves and others about important tasks. It may be uncomfortable to send e-mails and bring a tablet everywhere.

Easier Focusing

Scientists have studied learners’ behavior at exams and found out that well-developed fine motor skills, in particular handwriting, make it easier for a person to active executive function, focus on questions and quickly find right answers.

Treating Dyslexia and Other Disabilities

Handwriting is useful for children with Dyslexia – a brain’s malfunction blocking the connection between language and auditory centers. When using a pen and paper, both these centers work together, which helps to eliminate communication defects. Traditional note taking can also help persons suffering from AD/HD and ADD to be more attentive and focused. Statistics show that up to 20% of younger students have learning disabilities, so deleting handwriting from a curriculum will be a great loss for them.

Relaxing Nerves

Many people enjoy going to a bed in the evening and taking a paper diary in hands, describing events of a day, analyzing their emotions and dreams, compiling plans for the future. This activity helps to calm down nerves and prepare for sleep. Such effect cannot be achieved if taking notes in an electronic diary. Bright light from a screen keeps a brain strained. A person is unlikely to fall asleep after turning a tablet off because one’s mind will be still excited. Additional time is needed for relaxation.

Slowing Down Mental Aging

This argument is yet not relevant to students. Nevertheless, good habits will make healthier and happier life after several decades. As handwriting benefits by training memory, it weakens less as people age, and a mind stays sharp.

Developing Creativity

As handwriting activates more brain centers than typing, a person is more likely to write a genius poem or a good speech on paper, reveal new artistic talents and develop an individual style.

Fighting Anxiety and Depression

Modern people have a busy life oversaturated with information. That is why everyone faces stresses. Friends and relatives not always have time and energy to listen about our problems. In addition, whining is often regarded as a weakness. To maintain a good image in society, a person may hide one’s emotions and suffer an inner crisis. Sports, entertainment, hobbies are good ways to fight depression. But what to do if a person was shocked by bad news in an office or a university? Some fast remedy is needed not to burst out with a tantrum. Psychologists recommend describing a problem on a sheet of paper, imagining a dialogue with an offender, letting out all negative emotions. As writing is a rhythmic process, it distracts a mind from irritators and helps to return thoughts in a calm flow. A problem may seem catastrophic when we think about it. But once reflected on paper, it becomes smaller, less significant and quite solvable. Also, a paper can be burned to demonstrate that a person let’s one’s past go and is ready for a new, better life. This simple therapy has saved many relationships from a split. Apart from here discussed all the benefits of handwriting, there are many other reasons to start writing with a pen. Do have any suggestions for us to add in the list, then write down in the comment section below.

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