The ATI TEAS may also be referred to as TEAS 6, TEAS VI or the ATI Nursing Exam. The TEAS V exam is no longer used.

How Many Questions Are On the TEAS Test

The test consists of 170 multiple-choice questions that cover reading, mathematics, science and English language. The material assessed is learned in Grades 7 – 12. The results of the test are also an indication of how successful you will be in your nursing degree.

How Hard Is the TEAS test

How hard the TEAS test is will depend on the individual taking the test. Some may find it harder than others. You may be someone who gets nervous about taking tests, which could make it harder. You may not manage your time efficiently and end up rushing to finish. It’s important to prepare properly for the test by familiarizing yourself with the type of questions that might come up, taking practice tests, and efficiently managing your time so you can answer all the questions.

Question Formats and Type

TEAS Reading

The TEAS Reading section consists of 53 questions and accounts for 31% of the exam. You will have 64 minutes to answer all of the questions. It is designed to assess your:

Comprehension skills Attention to detail Understanding of words Ability to analyze and distinguish between sources

TEAS Reading Example Questions

From the string of letters above, remove the vowels. Replace the letters that fall after O in the alphabet with E. Add R to the string. Which of the words below can be made? a) Iguana b) Green c) Signal d) Train In the text above, why is the date underlined? a) Dates are always underlined b) It highlights a deadline c) Shows a title is being used d) Clarifies relevant timeline

TEAS Mathematics

This section consists of 32 questions and accounts for 22% of the exam. You will have 54 minutes to answer all the questions. To pass this section, you will need to be confident with:

Measurements and data Algebra Percentages and fractions

A calculator is allowed for this section and you will be provided with scratch paper to help with the sums, should you need it.

TEAS Mathematics Example Questions

a) 1.25 gallons b) 2.50 gallons c) 0.50 gallons d) 0.543 gallons a) 4/8 b) 5/8 c) 6/8 d) 7/8 This section is considered the most difficult. You will be tested on your knowledge of:

Human anatomy Scientific reasoning Physics The natural world

TEAS Science Example Questions

a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin D c) Folic Acid d) Zinc a) Pepsin b) Protese c) Hydrochloric Acid d) Enterokinase Family Membership gives you access to all the TestPrep-Online resources for the next 12 months. You will also get two separate accounts, which can be very helpful if you have two children preparing for their tests. You will be tested on your knowledge of:

The English language Vocabulary acquisition Sentence structure and grammar Spelling and punctuation

TEAS English Language Example Questions

a) Sarah went to the shopping mall, but Jessica shopped online instead. b) Because Luke was late for his appointment, he was unable to get his medication. c) Although Sam and Jen wanted to take a taxi, they did not have the required money. d) Andy worked hard to finish his work on time. The above sentence uses a passive voice. Which of the following uses an active voice? a) Many mistakes have been made throughout the month. b) If mistakes were made, we were not aware. c) Though mistakes were made, they are being fixed. d) We made many mistakes this month. First, there are three ways to take the test: Some institutes require the test to be taken on campus at a specific time and date. This is usually non-negotiable so you need to make sure it is a campus you can reach. You also need to consider your ability to travel to and from a test location. Second, consider how quickly you need the results. Online tests yield results immediately, while paper tests can take up to 72 hours to be marked. Check what dates your chosen program needs the results submitted by. Again, some institutes, especially those that prefer to test on campus, will want your results straight away. ATI can send your results directly to an institute of your choosing for free, but any additional transcripts carry a $27 fee. This may also take extra time, which is something you may need to consider. Third, the test cannot be rescheduled, except for exceptional circumstances. Before setting a date, ensure that you have assigned yourself enough time to prepare and that the date doesn’t clash with another event. If you do miss your appointment, you will forfeit all the fees associated with the test and will have to book another appointment. Ensure that on the date you book, your only commitment is to take the ATI TEAS test. Once you have all these details double-checked and confirmed, register for your test on the ATI website. It is advised that you book at least two weeks in advance. ATI will send out an information pack and you will want to have enough time to properly go through it all.

Test Day

On the day of the test, ensure that you leave yourself enough time to reach the test center. The test will start at the designated time, regardless of whether you are there or not. You will need to bring with you:

A number 2 pencil and spares Your registration receipt showing your ATI ID number A valid photo ID

A calculator and scratch paper will be issued at the start of the test. Both must be returned afterward. For those taking the test online, an on-screen drop-down calculator is available. No food, drink or additional items of clothing are allowed into the test with you. Ensure you are appropriately dressed and adequately hydrated.

How Is the TEAS Test Score Calculated

Your score card will show how well you performed in each of the sections, their sub-sections and on a broad scale. The scores are shown in the following ways:

Adjusted composite score – Calculated by dividing all the correct answers by the total number of questions in the entire test. The percentage may be slightly adjusted to compensate for the fact that the exams may differ in difficulty. An academic preparedness level, ranging from developmental to exemplary, is then assigned. Adjusted subscale score – The same process as the adjusted composite score, except the score is calculated using the answers and questions from a single section (the science section or the language section, for example). National mean score – This is the average score taken from a sample of students. This allows you to see how you score in comparison to others who have taken the test. This sample includes students applying for different health science programs, not just nursing. Program mean score – The average score is taken from a sample of students all applying for the same program. National percentile rank – Based on a sample of students from all health science programs. The percentage shows the number of students performing the same or below you, overall and in each category. Program percentile rank – Same as the national percentile rank, except only students from the same program are included.

ATI TEAS Test Preparation Tips

Nursing is a popular choice and many students are rejected, despite having achieved the passing score. So remember, the higher your score, the greater your chance of getting accepted. The pass mark varies, depending on the program you choose. Some programs accept 60 to 70%, while others look for 85 to 95%. Make sure you confirm your target score with the program leader before planning your study schedule. To get the best result possible:

Give yourself as much time as possible to prepare. Six to eight weeks is an ideal amount of time, but you can assign yourself longer if you think you need it. Make a detailed schedule and stick to it. Your plan should include time for practice tests, and every topic should be thoroughly covered. Invest in as much preparation material as possible. Study manuals for TEAS are readily available on the internet and ATI offers study packages on their website. Take as many practice tests as you can. Start by working through them with no time limit and your study notes around you. As you become more confident, try without aides and with a timer. Take the test in your first year of college so you are familiar with the process. When you retake the test at the application time, you will be more comfortable with the procedures. The more practice you do, the quicker you can identify your weak areas and improve on them. Do not leave anything to the last minute. The high demand for nursing programs means passing is not enough. You have to achieve the best possible result.

Final Thoughts

For those of you wanting to succeed in nursing, this is your first big challenge. This is the test that determines your place on the program and shows your teachers how likely you are to succeed. That being said, this test can be taken three times over an academic year. So, if you don’t succeed the first time around, there are more opportunities available. Just remember to check the institute’s 2nd Attempt Policy before rebooking. There is a lot of information available on the ATI TEAS test, which can be overwhelming. Remember that everything tested is topics you have already learned. The best strategy is to take practice tests as much as possible to familiarize yourself with the test.