Today texts are a prerequisite for business development on the Internet. For the sale of goods, promotion of sites, offers of services and earnings in various ways a huge amount of quality text is needed. Therefore, this direction on the Internet becomes a cult and takes its position among those who want to get basic or additional work online.

Copywriting and rewriting

Copywriting is writing unique articles on a particular topic, usually on a topic that you are good at understanding or thinking that you understand. For writing high-quality copywriting, you can get pretty good returns, which many writers exceed $1000 per month. Rewriting is very similar to copywriting, but there are some differences. If you, as a writer, do not really understand the topic, you can rewrite the text in your own words, or retell it so to say, rearrange words, change them with synonyms, and so on, this is rewriting. Rewriting is, of course, a bit cheaper than copywriting, but to write a rewriting of the text you do not need high qualifications as in copywriting and it is simpler, but this also allows to earn very good money. To get started, use the services of copywriting exchanges. Here, the approximate income for a beginner will be low, but you can build a database of finished works for the portfolio and client base. This is a good start for those who likes writing. Next, most writers go directly to looking for customers, and the rates here can be higher. It all depends on how well you write and you can present yourself. Copywriting and rewriting are not the only methods to make a profit from writing and selling texts on the Internet. There are several active directions that will help you make money writing online. In each direction, the writer can count on certain incomes, set specific prices. Opportunities for beginners and experienced authors should be considered.

Translations from/into foreign languages

The topic of translation has long been quite popular on the Internet.Today, translators of rare languages are required in order to avoid translation blunders, although the usual Spanish, German and French are also in demand. If you know Chinese, Finnish or Hindi, you can definitely find a well-paid job on the Internet, working for a translation company with good conditions. Translators can find work on freelance exchanges, rarely it can be found on the copywriting exchanges. You can find customers in the forums and on the ads.

Proofreading services

The sphere of Internet business is growing and developing, customers increasingly need exactly high-quality texts with excellent language, correctly placed punctuation marks. And you can also make good money on this. If you have a sense of language and excellent grammar, use your skills to find a proofreader job. You can search for projects on the copywriting exchanges or job search sites for freelancers, so if you would like to provide proofreading services, it’s worth registering on some of these sites. The main features of this work are as follows: you must be an extremely literate person. Sense of the language and own style is necessary. You can get a proofreader job in one of the copywriting exchanges – competent and responsible people are worth their weight in gold.

Selling stories or poems on the Internet

An even more interesting area for many writers will be the possibility of selling their stories, poems or fairy tales. Author’s content is welcomed on the Internet and actively bought by many customers. To do this, you can use all the same article stores & character counter with spaces, and watch the sales coming in. But it is also important to find other customers willing to pay good money for your creativity. Among the potential buyers of poems, humorous stories and various author texts, the following options can be distinguished:

sites that host artistic texts of a particular genre, suitable for you in style; special portals with poems, greetings and other poetic texts for visitors; literary projects aimed at a specific reader, where you can post your publications; owners of online entertainment publications, who want to replenish their sites with fresh content; other portals that are suitable for you on the subject, as well as ready to pay for your texts.

Selling finished articles

Having worked for some time on the freelance exchanges, a creative person can understand that there is not so much freedom here. You can get much more creative freedom and not limit yourself to the time of writing texts. For this it is worth mastering the free sale of articles. In the end, we would like to say that everything depends on you. Work, write, raise your rating and experience, and in the end, you will no longer work for a penny, but you will be able to earn a decent wage online!

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