There are many layers to recruitment:

Writing your resume and cover letter Completing personality tests Face-to-face interviews Group interviews Projects and scenarios

While each step in your job search can be nerve-wracking, interviews tend to cause the most nervousness as there is nothing in between you and your potential employer to protect you. But that feeling of interview anxiety is your body’s natural way of dealing with a stressful situation. Originating from the caveman days, nerves prepare you for a fight-or-flight situation. They flood the body with excess adrenaline, so your muscles react quicker. Back in the caveman days, these episodes usually occurred when faced with a threat like a tiger. Today, we often feel nerves when faced with another human being who has power over you. As it is a natural survival technique, interview nerves and interview anxiety can be managed before and during an interview to avoid any slip-ups. Each person responds differently, but as your body floods with adrenaline, the extra hormones increase your blood pressure and breathing, ready for that fight-or-flight moment. Additional symptoms of interview nerves are:

Shortness of breath Blushing Feeling flustered Stomach aches Brain fog Needing the restroom at inconvenient times Some shakiness in your hands Sweating Cold or clammy palms

Top 16 Ways to Calm Interview Nerves

Knowing the basic science and principles behind your nerves allows you to control them and use them as energy rather than them controlling you. Below are 16 ways to calm your nerves before an interview to help you appear enthusiastic and alert:

In the Build-Up to an Interview

1. Arrange a Morning Interview

It does not need to be first thing in the morning but setting an interview time earlier in the day means there is less time for you to get worked up. You cannot spend all day ruminating on it if you do not have all day to ruminate. Arrange a time that allows you to have a decent night’s sleep and gives you enough time to get ready and get to your interview without having to rush.

2. Prepare Yourself

Research the company and interviewer/hiring manager ahead of time. LinkedIn and the company website is usually the best way to do this. Find the most common interview questions and practice answering them either with yourself or a friend/family member. Creating an interview cheat sheet will help take a lot of pressure off. Use this document to:

Write down any company research Make a note of facts about your interviewer Detail the route to your interview, including address and contact details Highlight key points for interview questions List any questions you may have

Finally, decide what you will wear and make sure it is cleaned and pressed before the day of the interview. Choosing what to wear for an interview can be just as stressful as the interview itself, so prepare this as far in advance as you can.

3. Plan Something Fun After

A massage or lunch at your favorite restaurant are perennial favorites. But even an exercise class can make you feel good – one factor behind stress is people do not complete their fight-or-flight cycle, so their body does not know it is safe even if their brain does. Exercise is like a pretend fight (or flight) and so allows your body’s stress cycle to complete. Whatever you enjoy doing, schedule that for after your interview. Doing this gives you something to look forward to and takes the focus away from the interview. Your mindset then becomes ‘one little interview and then fun’ rather than ‘oh no, today is my interview’. Be careful not to arrange your fun plans too close to the interview, however, in case it runs over. You do not want to be anxious about the interview and concerned you will be late for your next appointment as well.

4. Exercise or Walk

Exercise as often as you can in the build-up to your interview. Running, swimming, cycling, walking – exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins and removes adrenaline from the body (this is how it completes the stress cycle, mentioned above), as well as removing nervous energy and helping you calm down. Getting out in the fresh air will also help clear your head and help you think more clearly. A HIIT or boxing class the night before and yoga or stretching the morning of the interview will help dispel some extra adrenaline. Your improved health will help you manage your breathing better and make you feel more comfortable in your body.

5. Use Positive Affirmations

Write yourself a set of positive affirmations/mantras and say them several times a day, as well as whenever you feel anxious. On the day of the interview, repeat them during your journey. Positive affirmations can help attract positive thoughts and outcomes if you believe the words that you are telling yourself. Examples of positive affirmations are:

I am perfectly qualified for this job I am a great/the best candidate I know my value I am confident answering interview questions I will impress my interviewer

6. Breathing Exercises

Learning meditative breathing is an underrated way to keep your heart rate low and keep nerves at bay before and on the day of your interview. As previously mentioned, shallow breathing is a typical way our bodies react to stress. Lack of oxygen can make you feel dizzy, sick and increasingly anxious. It is important to keep this under control. Luckily, learning to breathe slowly is one of the easiest ways we have to keep our nerves under control. Make sure you practice some breathing techniques before your interview as they can be very helpful for that moment you are waiting in the reception area in anticipation of your interview.

The Day of the Interview

7. Eat a Good Breakfast

Some experts recommend eating a super healthy, nutritious breakfast like avocado and poached egg on toast. Others suggest eating something comforting to put you in a good mood, such as pancakes. The best thing to eat is whatever makes you feel good. The action of cooking can be an act of self-care that sets you up for a good day. Just keep in mind you do not want anything that will make you slump too soon or leave your tummy rumbling in between questions.

8. Avoid Stimulants

While caffeine is excellent at increasing your energy, it also has the same effect on your nerves. Drinking too much tea or coffee before your interview will increase your heart rate, make you more jittery and increase your anxiety. Try having hot water with lemon or a decaf coffee instead. You should also make sure to drink enough water – you do not want a dehydration headache when you are answering a key interview question.

9. Listen to Music

While you are getting ready, and on your journey, listen to some music. Create a pre-interview playlist starting with upbeat and empowering songs and ending with more relaxed, calming songs.

10. Keep Perspective

Keeping a sense of perspective can help you think positively and expel negative thoughts that can spring into your mind before the interview. The first thing to remember is that everyone gets nervous before an interview or speaking publicly. While the way you feel and level of your anxiety is unique to you, you are not the only one to experience nervousness as a concept. Second, the interviewers know you will be nervous and take it into account. You are sitting in front of them because you fit the job description, and they want you to succeed. They do not ask questions designed to catch you out or make you look bad. They ask you common interview questions and some specific to the role to confirm you are the best candidate for the job. If you prepared well beforehand, you should already have the answers.

11. Use AWARE Technique

This acronym stands for:

A – Accept your nervousness and that it can be useful. W – Watch it as if from a distance and observe how your anxiety behaves. What thoughts or actions trigger it more? A – Take action to reduce it. Box-breathing (breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for four, breathe out for four, hold for four) and 7 -11 breathing (breathe in for seven seconds and breathe out for 11) are great techniques to calm your breath. R – Repeat the first three steps five to 10 times or until you feel your anxiety leaving. E – Expect the best possible outcome and repeat your positive affirmations.

During the Interview

12. Remember It is Not an Interrogation

An interview is a way to get to know a person. It is not an interrogation. The interviewers are not trying to pull secret information from you. They are asking you about your past experiences and knowledge – all things you mentioned in your cover letter and resume.

13. Use Empowering Techniques

Using empowering techniques will help reduce your anxiety as they send a signal to the brain that you are comfortable with the situation, you are in control and this is not a fight-or-flight situation. In other words, fake it ‘till you make it! Start this process before you even enter the interview room. As you enter the building, or even on your journey, ensure you are thinking positively and using empowering body language. Empowering techniques include:

Eye contact Smiling Visualization Keeping your shoulders back Standing or sitting with a straight back Keeping your hands on the table – this makes you seem more honest

14. Listen Carefully and Talk Slowly

Take slow deep breaths and focus on what the interviewer is saying. Before answering, take one more breath and talk slowly. Do not rush your answer. Rushing will signal to your brain that this is a panic situation. The 10 seconds you take to collect your breath and thoughts will not concern your recruiter. They will assume you are thinking your answer through.

15. Redirect Any Questions You Do Not Know

If you are asked a question that you do not know the answer to, gently redirect so the focus is on a similar topic that you are comfortable with. This is a difficult skill to master, so definitely try to practice with a mock interview before your interview.

16. Use Positive Body Language

Even if your words are shaky, positive body language is a nonverbal communication skill that tells the interviewer that you are a confident and capable person. Positive body language includes:

Open arm gestures – No folding your arms in front of your body. Sitting slightly forward in your chair – This indicates that you are confident and engaged in the conversation. Tensing your leg muscles to calm your hands so you can use them when talking – Showing and using your hands demonstrates honesty and confidence.

Final Thoughts

Interviewing is never easy, especially when you want to make a good impression. Nerves and anxiety only make the situation worse. By planning ahead, doing thorough research, and taking care of your health, you can control your interview nerves to work in your favor and show potential employers that you are enthusiastic, confident and perfect for that role.