Though not a scientific or professional approach to choosing a career, understanding the traits of your star sign and how they transfer to a working environment can be an interesting way to start your job search. If you were born between August 23 and September 22, read on for your Virgo career horoscope. Whilst outgoing and sociable, Virgos prefer a quiet environment over a noisy, crowded one. They are in tune with nature and often opt for the peaceful outdoors over social occasions. Healthy living and nutrition are also said to be keen interests. The Virgo’s desire for perfection can often be seen as a flaw. Highly idealistic, their standards can be hard to meet, and they can be overly critical and judgmental. Typically, they focus this criticism on themselves, but can also direct it to those around them. When Virgos take on a task, their goal is to complete it to the best of their ability; they generally focus all their attention in one place. As such, Virgos make for poor multi-taskers and can become frustrated in situations that require them to handle several things at once.

What Are Virgos Like at Work?

In the workplace, Virgos are the ones most likely to arrive early and stay until a job is done right. They are committed to overcoming any obstacles that stand in the way of their work goals. Many of the professions listed in this Virgo career horoscope require a methodical approach. This is because this particular star sign is highly attentive to detail and enjoys working in a structured manner. One of the key character traits of a typical Virgo is their need to have everything around them organized, with every element of their day as and where it should be. Virgos are also well known as perfectionists, and this trait extends to their professional lives. They’ll find the most satisfaction in careers that allow them to continually learn and build on their skill set, though they tend to steer away from anything that may disrupt their working routine. From an outsider’s perspective, the Virgo’s quest for perfection can often prove an annoyance. Colleagues may see tasks as taking longer than necessary, owing to the Virgo’s insistence on doing them just right. They can also be taken for fussy, striving for brilliance when satisfactory would do just fine. Perhaps the biggest flaw of the Virgo, and one that causes the most difficulty in the workplace, is their critical tendencies. This star sign lives by a set of ideals and Virgos apply their high standards not only to themselves but also to those around them. This can make them difficult to please and cause tension in teams. All that said, Virgos are generally modest people who prefer to go about their work behind the scenes. They tend to steer clear of the limelight, even when their work proves highly valuable. Their need for perfection makes them fully committed to any career they choose, and their organized approach makes them valuable assets to any workplace.

10 Best Career Matches for a Virgo

This Virgo career horoscope has been put together as a guide only; we’re not suggesting that you should make your career choices based solely on any of the ideas below. However, given the character traits associated with this star sign, here are ten Virgo career ideas that might give you a little inspiration:

1. Accountant

Virgos are analytical and love diving into the finer details of things. They prefer working environments that are well organized and have a set routine. Combine this with their aptitude for numbers, and accountancy makes a solid career option. Since they enjoy helping others in a practical way, Virgos may find great satisfaction in managing finances for a living, whether from within a single company or on behalf of a range of private clients.

2. Scientific Researcher

Those working in scientific research dedicate themselves to finding practical, workable solutions that solve problems for both people and society. This kind of profession plays to many of a Virgo’s key traits. The systematic working environment will suit their need for order and they will commit to finding the missing pieces in each scientific puzzle. As researchers, Virgos will make valuable use of their analytical intelligence in pursuit of a greater good. Editors also need a critical eye – which Virgos are known to possess. The problem here, however, is that they run the risk of being overly critical and, in the process, changing the voice of the writer. Virgos looking to work in the editing profession will need to keep their own ideas of perfection in check.

4. Teacher

This star sign is said to have a nurturing personality, so teaching is perhaps one of the most obvious Virgo career ideas. This role will allow them to share their intelligence and support their students with practical life guidance. Another characteristic that makes Virgos good teachers is their exceptional memory. The ability to retain large amounts of information allows them to become subject experts, and means they’re likely to remember the individual needs of each student and tend to them accordingly.

5. Personal Assistant

If you’re using a Virgo career horoscope to get ideas of what professions suit your personality, you might also want to consider a role as a personal assistant. Typical Virgos will enjoy the responsibilities of managing diaries, organizing travel and generally taking care of the day-to-day needs of their employer. Their efficiency and attention to detail make Virgos well suited for such organizational roles.

6. Counselor

Some of the best Virgo career ideas are those that focus on the provision of care. The counseling profession falls into this category and many born under this sign of the zodiac will find job satisfaction in helping others overcome their problems. Virgos are good listeners and tend to think with their heads over their hearts. This emotional objectivity makes them well placed to offer guidance based on logic. Also, Virgos want to feel needed and will find fulfillment in being someone people look to for help.

7. Mathematician

Careers that involve solving problems behind the scenes, away from the limelight, suit the modest Virgo well. Mathematicians analyze data and work to implement mathematical techniques that provide beneficial solutions in real scenarios. With a love of numbers, an analytical mind and a preference for practical problem-solving, many Virgos will thrive in this data-driven, methodical profession.

8. Vet

Virgos often connect with nature and are particularly fond of animals. When you consider that they are also natural caregivers, a job in veterinary practice seems an ideal addition to a Virgo career horoscope. This star sign enjoys cleanliness and an organized working environment and will feel at home in a treatment room. They are also dedicated to being the best they can be, and will enjoy the continued professional development involved in the veterinary sciences.

9. Librarian

Attention to detail, a love of organizing, a preference for a peaceful working environment and a meticulous memory are all character traits that make Virgos suited to the role of librarian. Ensuring resources and archives are categorized and stored correctly will satisfy their need for order. Their helpful side will also find great fulfillment in providing information and guidance to service users.

10. Dietician

A typical Virgo enjoys a healthy lifestyle and has a particular passion for nutrition. They also love helping others better themselves through practical guidance. Coupled with their keen ability to identify what’s missing from any given circumstance, Virgos have the perfect character traits for this career; understanding their clients’ current diet, identifying what’s absent from it and teaching them how to lead a healthier lifestyle with good eating habits.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re about to enter the professional world of work or you’re considering options for your college major, choosing which direction to go in is an important life decision. Hopefully, our Virgo career horoscope has given you some ideas on areas that are of interest to you. However, we should point out again that this is not professional career advice. Essentially, it’s a way to help kickstart your thought process before seeking further advice. If you do associate with the characteristics of a typical Virgo, then you’ll want to consider what’s been discussed here, but you should do so alongside advice from a career counselor and making use of all professional resources available to you.