Apart from AI, posting your content’s timing plays a crucial role. Talking about the timing, it is important to understand when the maximum number of your targeted customer is active. The timing differs from country to country, between cities like tier one, tier two, and small towns. Since lifestyle and living patterns differ the time of using apps such as Instagram differs too. Looking for a detailed view of the best time to post on Instagram? Well-trending us has always remained an ultimate Instagram guide for its users by bringing the best suggestions for your content. Scroll below to know about the best time to post on Instagram:

Globally Best Time to Post On Instagram According to Days

Instagram audience differ from one another in some or the other way but still has something in common and with this, we can keep them in a category. There is a certain age group that remains active late at night, on the other hand, homemakers or early morning birds prefer using scrolling their Instagram walls with a cup of tea in the morning. Some might remain very active on weekends and college students might prefer to party on weekends and then catch up again on Instagram on Mondays. Researchers analyzed some common and best times to post on Instagram for the whole week. Let’s check them out!


Mondays are usually hectic days but since most of us prefer partying and chilling on weekends so on Monday users prefer to catch up on Instagram updates and remain active on following timing- 6 am, 10 am, and 10 pm EST


Well, after a hectic Monday Tuesdays are supposed to be quite calm and relaxed, check out the best time to post something on Instagram on Tuesdays. 2 am, 4 am, and 9 am EST


Wednesdays are already mid-week, users prefer using late nights and spending more time. Check below to know when the best time is to post on Instagram on Wednesday. 7 am, 8 am and 11 pm EST


The weekend is near and users become more active on social media, especially on Instagram. They remain active till midnight too. 9 am, 12 pm, and 7 pm EST Also read: Top Trending and Viral Reels in India


The weekend is here, done with a hectic week, and looking forward to the party or to scroll Instagram wall and relaxing on the couch. Most of the users living in the metro city choose to wake up late at night and use Instagram, most e-commerce brands prefer this time to boost and reach their audience. 5 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm EST


It’s the weekend and your targeted audience is quite active on social media, let’s see the perfect time to post reels on Instagram on Saturday. 11 am, 7 pm, and 8 pm EST


Sundays are usually relaxed, most of the users prefer partying on Friday and Saturday nights, prefer relaxing on Sunday. Here is the best time when most of the users remain active. 7am, 8am, and 4pm EST

The Worst time to Post on Instagram

Well, it is just not about the best time to post your reels on Instagram but also about things to avoid for better results. It is usually during the daytime during mid-week and before the weekend since users are busy with completing the task before the weekend and matching the deadlines. If your target audience is youngsters and corporate employees, then avoid early morning posts. They remain active late at night and mid-nights, and that is one of the reasons why e-commerce company launch their sale at midnight. Also read: Trending Instagram Hashtags for Girls’ Posts

Final Words

Timing is just not about days but it differs from industry and target audience, in the above detail one can see three different times every day, it belongs to a different category of users. People above 40 usually prefer waking up early and have different lifestyles and liability as compared to the 18-30 age group hance night timing belongs to them. Know your audience before choosing the best time.

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What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 54What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 59What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 7What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 41What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 58What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 30What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 62What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram   - 32